Hemp in Malawi
Making Changes
Tindakan Innovations also continued to make a positive impact abroad with our colleagues at Invegrow, where over 100 acres of hemp was cultivated in Malawi, Africa. We also assisted our colleagues in drafting Malawi's version of the farm bill that parliament accepted and passed into law in March.
Our combined accomplishments are setting the stage to create opportunities for jobs and prosperity and reduce the wealth gap in a country that is quickly establishing itself as a leader in Africa and who has embraced our triple bottom line vision. While it is too soon to quantify the impact of these efforts, we’re seeing terrific results so far.
Being entrenched in Malawi and by extension, sub-saharan Africa, with our partners creates enormous potential with the cannabinoid products and industrial applications sectors. We are working with governmental agencies, NGOs and the private sector utilizing our triple bottom line concept.

Garden Malenga
Malenga village is located in Malawi, Africa on the edge of the Phirilongwe forest reserve. It is there where the director of Tindakan, Jeremy Gregory, spent time in the Peace Corps teaching conservation and Community-Based Natural Resource Management. He returned having acquired a second family and home. The Malenga Project is in continuation of his projects he initiated with his second family and hopes this will ignite and spread throughout Malawi and Africa.
The purpose of the Malenga Project is to improve the quality of life by providing a
catalyst for community development, encouraging self-reliance, self-sustainability,
conserving resources and creating financial and educational opportunities.
It is our ultimate vision to create and promote internationally; a farm
for eco-agricultural tourism that will feature a cross-cultural exchange program for
individuals, school students from the secondary to the college level, and
generally, those wishing to learn more about an amazing culture.
Garden Malenga Is a community garden that provides training and support for the
people in the village, as well as generating income rather than depending on aid.
The garden promotes health and a forum for community exchange. Once harvested
the product is shipped locally and regionally via the FAIR Trade industry where the profits come
back to strengthen the community’s infrastructure and promote independence and self-reliance.
Garden Malenga is a tool to train people to manage their resources in ways that are ecologically sustainable and culturally appropriate. These are designed for the restoration and management of available natural resources, providing positive livelihood opportunities to improve health, productivity, and quality of life.